Got Engine Issues? Signs You Need An Auto Repair Mechanic

Posted on: 17 April 2023

Indicator lights on your dashboard let you know when there's something wrong with your car. But, the check engine light doesn't identify all the problems that can affect your car. That's why you need to pay attention to the way your car performs. If you're dealing with any of the issues below, take your car to a mechanic.  

You're Dealing With Hard Starts  

If you're worried about performance, now's the time to start the car. If the engine struggles to turn over, you need to visit an auto mechanic. There are quite a few issues that can cause hard starts. Two of those issues include weak timing belts and broken ignition switches. Issues like that need immediate attention. Without repairs, your car could break down on the side of the road. 

Your Engine Has a Rough Idle

If your car shakes and rattles when you come to a stop, visit an auto mechanic right away. Shaking and rattling are signs that your car has a problem with the idle. Rough idling usually means that your car has dirty spark plugs or fuel injectors. But, rough idling can also be a sign that your engine has a vacuum leak. All those problems can cause rough idling. They can also cause problems at acceleration. Identify the engine problem by taking your car to a mechanic as soon as you're faced with idle problems. 

You're Losing Fuel Mileage

If your car is burning through fuel lately, you need to talk to an auto repair mechanic. With fuel prices going up, you need to get as many miles as you can out of every tank. Unfortunately, engine problems can make your car burn through fuel faster. One problem that can cause poor fuel mileage is broken oxygen sensors. Luckily, an auto mechanic can identify the source of the problem and take care of the repairs.  

Your Car Keeps Stalling

If your car stalls when you come to a stop, don't wait for repairs. Without repairs, your car can stall while you're driving down the road. If that happens, there's an increased risk of accidents and injuries. Plus, you could get stranded in a remote area. Engines can stall for several reasons. But, most engine stalls are caused by a faulty fuel system. That can include a broken fuel pump or fuel filter.

To find out more about what your car needs, contact auto repair services.  


Automotive Action: A Guide

Hi! My name is Lisa and I would like to invite you to read my new automotive blog. I own a small car which I use to drive around town. Last year, I realised that I needed to gain a better understanding of the various maintenance task I would need to complete in order to keep my car on the road. I also wanted to learn how to better accessorise my car so it looks really cool. Thankfully, I made a good friend who is a mechanic. He advised me on all of this and I learnt a lot. I hope you like my blog.

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